[Qgis-user] Simply marvel at the speed of PostGIS-QGIS server-QGIS2map

Kuan Song songkuan at yahoo.com
Thu May 19 23:40:50 PDT 2016

Well this is not a looking for help post.I just want to marvel at the speed of postgis database.I have been working on a BI (Business Intelligence) project broadcasting gigabytes of spatial thematic data over the internet.QGIS server along is part of the answer, qgis2map is a life-savior. the problem is the speed of access datasets in the shapefile format. 
Now,when i switch to postgis as the data source, the speed is LIGHTENING fast!
So what I am seeing is that this workflow can be a valuable part of the BI system of most corporations in the world.
Raw data is stored in Hive on the cloud, fetched by Spark ad processed in python, whose results are then fed to a postgis database. The thematic layers in postgis database  are collected by QGIS server and broadcast out as WMS. Then, an apache server displays the frontend map with openlayers(batch generated by qgis2map).
speed, data security, spatial information embedded into big data infrastructure. 
simply wow

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