[Qgis-user] How does QGIS read a large WFS completely?

Hernán De Angelis dhdeangelis at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 02:39:30 PDT 2017


I am curious to understand how reading large WFS services is implemented in

The reason is that I am doing some experiments with data that require
performing statistics over a large dataset that is offered as WFS. The
server has a limit of 1000 features on every call, but the dataset has a
total over 15000 features. I want to write a script that will download the
whole dataset but met the difficulty of not knowing how to handle the
server side feature limit in a reasonable way.

I see that QGIS has no problems importing the whole thing into a GML and
wanted to understand how this is implemented. I perused parts of the code
but could not find the relevant section. Can someone point to me in which
part of the code this problem is solved?

Thanks in advance

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