[Qgis-user] QGIS Server tile issue

jack makrl jack.makrl at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 17:38:12 PDT 2017

Hi, I'm a hobbyist trying to use qgis-server-2.14.11 to serve tiles to my
WMS client (OruxMaps 7.0.2). The server seems to be working fine in that it
returns tiles when I request them but they are taller(?) than the requested
boundaries. I would expect the corners of the tiles to correspond with the
coordinates of the BBOX but they extend above and below. It seems to works
fine when loaded as a WMS layer with qgis. The client only uses EPSG:4326
and my project in qgis is set to that and I've limited the responses to
EPSG:4326 in the Project Properties/OWS Server/CRS Restrictions table. I
installed GeoServer and the qgis plugin and exported my layers and
GeoServer responds as I would expect with the edges of the returned tile
matching the request.

I'm pretty sure this is unexpected behavior but I'm still learning. Has
anybody encountered this? Hopefully I'm making some sort of rookie mistake.
Should I be looking to install more recent versions of the software? Thanks
for the help.

I'm using the ubuntugis-unstable ppa
qgis 2.14.11+dfsg-1~xenial2
qgis-server 2.14.11+dfsg-1~xenial2
OruxMaps 7.0.2

I've posed about this on gis.stackexchange.com with images:
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