[Qgis-user] LiDAR Data in QGIS

Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
Mon Dec 11 02:31:10 PST 2017

Morning Tyler.
Nick is quite right. The files you have (ADF) are either DTM's or DSM's. 
They are processed datasets.
To fix the GRASS, SAGA issue, you can use GDAL to convert them to 
GeoTiff, using the gdal_translate, which can be found in the Processing 
toolbox and will do it for a few using batch (Note Point one below).
The other option would be to use the Script below to convert ADF to GeoTiff.

*@echo off SET startpath=%1 FOR /R %startpath% %%f IN (w001001.adf) do 
(call :translate "%%f") pause GOTO :eof :translate SET var=%~dp1 ECHO 
Translating %var%hdr.adf to %var:~0,-1%.tif gdal_translate -co 

The tool/script works in the following way.

 1. *ADF Image names are the containing folder name*
 2. You must run this Batch in the Root folder for your ADFs (one level
    up from the ADF files)
 3. Paste/save the batch in the root folder
 4. Open an instance of OSGeo4W Shell or its Linux counterpart navigate
    to the root folder and run the script by typing */adf2tiff.bat/*
 5. It will start to write the Tiff files into the root folder.

Hope this helps, or goes some way to helping.

*_Richard McDonnell_*
*GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI*

OPW - Ag féachaint don am atá le teacht - Ag caomhnú ón am atá thart
OPW - Looking to the future - Caring for the past

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