[Qgis-user] Saving a CRS EPSG 4326 project as CRS EPSG 3857

Patrick Dunford enzedrailmaps at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 21:52:57 PDT 2018

Good day

I have some Qgis map projects that were originally in EPSG 4326 that I 
am converting to EPSG 3857 without OTF transformation.

All of the layers in the projects have been resaved as EPSG:3857 layers 
and display as expected in the map canvas.

In the projects I have changed the project CRS in the project properties 
to EPSG:3857 and saved the project into a new project file.

However at the moment there is a problem with the coordinates that are 
displayed at the bottom of the map canvas window. The coordinates being 
displayed are EPSG:4326 coordinates, not the ones for EPSG:3857 that I 
have changed the project properties into.

Furthermore I have looked in the project's source file and found it 
still references EPSG:4326 within the file. Specifically the section 
containing this reference. This section is near the bottom of the 
project file.

     <WMSContactOrganization type="QString"></WMSContactOrganization>
       <disabledLayers type="QStringList"/>
     <WMSServiceAbstract type="QString"></WMSServiceAbstract>
     <WMSUseLayerIDs type="bool">false</WMSUseLayerIDs>
     <WMSUrl type="QString"></WMSUrl>
       <ProjectCrs type="QString">EPSG:4326</ProjectCrs>
       <ProjectionsEnabled type="int">1</ProjectionsEnabled>
       <ProjectCRSID type="int">3452</ProjectCRSID>
       <ProjectCRSProj4String type="QString">+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 

How can I complete the conversion of my project file to the new CRS so 
that the coordinates displayed in the map canvas are the correct ones 
for that CRS.

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