[Qgis-user] shapefiles

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Tue Jun 16 05:29:41 PDT 2020

Yeah - that's a layer order issue. Just drag that line above your ortho 
over in the layers panel. Select the layer and drag it up. You can move 
stuff around pretty easily in that panel.

If you ever dump a shapefile out of some custom Forestry software it 
could (like something to COGO boundaries or do cruises) it can become a 
projection issue easily. BUT - you're on the right track!


On 6/16/20 2:08 AM, Raymond Nijssen wrote:
> Ah, you'll need to change the layer order. Just drag and drop them at 
> the right spot in the layer panel, left from your map.
> This is actually quite basic qgis knowledge, so you might consider 
> following some (online) tutorials to get started quickly.
> Regards,
> Raymond
> On 16-06-2020 07:55, forestermcgannon wrote:
>> when I "uncheck" the ortho layer, the property boundary (the 
>> shapefile) appears. When I display the ortho imagery again, no 
>> boundary. It is like the shapefile is "under" the ortho image, when I 
>> of course want it to show "on" the ortho image. most seems like a 
>> vector display issue to me.
>> What do you think?
>> Thanks
>> Jim
>> Jim McGannon
>> Forestry Landscape Consultant, LLC
>> Coloradotreearborist.com
>> 303-526-1118
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: Raymond Nijssen <r.nijssen at terglobo.nl>
>> Date: 6/15/20 11:35 PM (GMT-07:00)
>> To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] shapefiles
>> Hi Jim,
>> That sounds a lot like a projection issue.
>> Are your layers completely misaligned, like not overlapping at all? Or
>> are they overlapping but with just a few (hundred) meters shift?
>> An easy trick is adding the world layer and see which of your layers
>> appears at the expected spot. You can do this by typing "world" in the
>> coordinate bar beneath the map.
>> Good luck!
>> Raymond
>> On 16-06-2020 05:24, forestermcgannon wrote:
>>  > Why is my shapefile that I imported into project, not showing up 
>> with my
>>  > orthoimage. The shapefile is a property line boundary.
>>  > Thanks
>>  > Jim
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
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Randal Hale
rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
(p) 423.653.3611

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