[Qgis-user] QGIS and geopackages in sharepoint environement

chris hermansen clhermansen at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 14:27:29 PDT 2022

Sebastian and list,

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 2:19 PM Sebastian Gutwein <bas at rdgland.com> wrote:

> Although it is not recommended we use google drive and as of the latest
> release it works ok for most files including Geopackage. In past versions
> any time a layer on a geopackage was opened this would cause the file to be
> marked as changed and upload the whole file. In the current version (3.26)
> this only happens when edit mode is turned on. However saving after edits
> is much slower when it is in the Google drive. It appears that the .wal
> file decides to load the entire file into itself when in the google drive
> before writing the change to the file.  Of course this doesn't prevent
> people from overwriting each other's changes if two people are concurrently
> editing on different machines.
> The file path doesn't seem to be a problem if the files are in the same
> location relative to the project file on different machines.
> I would be interested if at some point someone created a solution that
> allowed for diffs on geopackages using Lutra's
> https://github.com/MerginMaps/geodiff . I imagine if that worked there
> would be an cloud unsynced local version and a cloud synced local version
> that you could trigger a diff operation against.

The problem with Google Drive is actually a problem with Google Drive for
Desktop, which is a "file streaming application" and not with the other
approach which is synchronization, similar to Dropbox.  In the
synchronization approach your changed files on your computer are backed up
to the cloud Google Drive.

Google Drive for Desktop is a plugin for Windows Navigator that makes files
in Google Drive appear as though they are on your computer in the G: drive
(or wherever else you might set it up).  If you double-click on one of
those files, say foo.docx, then that file will open in Word.  But if you
use QGIS to add a layer, the file names that appear in the  "Open OGR
Vector Layer" window (for example) don't look like what you might expect.

*Note I just tried this on Ubuntu 22.04 with QGIS 3.26.1 and WHOOPS it
looks to be working here, so maybe it's not an issue in Windows any longer


Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.
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