[Qgis-user] GRASS r.series - ERROR: Unable to load GDAL library

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Sat Jul 16 03:01:46 PDT 2022

> *Nelson Ribeiro*
> /Fri Jul 15 02:52:21 PDT 2022/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ERROR: Unable to load GDAL library

Hi Nelson,
did you install QGIS 3.22.8 using the OSGeo4W Standalone Installer or 
the OSGeo4W Network Installer? If the latter, have you updated all the 
installed packages? If the former, what installer exactly: the 
QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.22.8-3.msi or the QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.22.8-4.msi installer?
What format is your raster layer? Does any of the GRASS processing 
algorithm work?
Could you please report the whole processing log?

Does GRASS-GIS starts without issue if launched using the shortcut link? 
Does the r.series tool works in GRASS-GIS?

I've just tried to run r.series with QGIS 3.22.8 installed using the 
QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.22.8-4.msi OSGeo4W Standalone Installer and also 
installed using the OSGeo4W Network Installer and there is no issue with 
both in my system.

Anyway, right now the new QGIS versions, 3.22.9 and 3.26.1, are 
available in OSGeo4W Network Installer and the corresponding new OSGeo4W 
Standalone Installers are available at 

Best regards.

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