[Qgis-user] multiple csv file import

Salvatore Mellino salvatore.mellino at prismambiente.it
Tue Nov 15 07:08:40 PST 2022


I would like to know if it is possible to import multiple csv files 
contained in a folder and to convert them in shapefiles (1 for each 
csv). All csv files are structured as "lat long value" separate by space 
and without any header line.

Thank you for your help! Regards,


Salvatore Mellino
Dottore di Ricerca/Ph.D.

Prisma s.r.l. - Progettazione e Realizzazione Impianti e Servizi di Monitoraggio Ambientale
Via Monsignor Bonaventura Gargiulo, 13 - 80065 S.Agnello (NA)
Tel./Fax: +39 081 8072476
salvatore.mellino at prismambiente.it

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