[Qgis-user] Github Access Problems

Adam Nielsen a.nielsen at shikadi.net
Wed Apr 19 05:16:37 PDT 2023

> I understand a lot of organisations have migrated off Github since 
> Microsoft took it over for various reasons. 

A few did in the early days for ideological reasons, but Microsoft have
actually done a surprisingly good job (so far) of just leaving GitHub
alone, so it seems to be more popular than ever.

> I do not know if the Qgis project has considered this option, but it
> seems to me that there is nothing I can do to solve what appears to
> be ongoing issues between MS and Google and therefore there is no
> obvious other solution to address the problems I have with my login,
> other than changing to a non-Google email account.

This is one of the drawbacks of relying on a third party for a service
that you deem critical - and one of the reasons why I run my own e-mail
server.  Sure it's a lot more work, but I don't have to worry about the
whims of a corporation I have no control over.

Having said that, I did not realise GitHub offered e-mail as a 2FA
option.  I have only ever used TOTP, which is an "offline" method as it
doesn't require Internet access to work.  If you're having issues with
e-mails taking too long to get delivered, I suggest switching to TOTP
for 2FA as per GitHub's guidelines:


You don't have to use the apps they recommend.  Personally I started
off with Google Authenticator but as I wanted my codes on multiple
devices, I ended up switching to the command-line "oathtool" program
from the OATH Toolkit (https://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/).  Whenever
I need to log in to GitHub, I have a script that runs
"oathtool --totp -b 12345" where 12345 is the key GitHub gave me when I
set up TOTP, and the program spits out a six digit code.  I enter that
code into the GitHub login page and I'm in, no need for e-mail.


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