[Qgis-user] Autogeneration id codes

Riccardo riccardopani at hotmail.com
Tue May 2 08:28:17 PDT 2023

Good morning to all,

first I would like to thank Bernhard Ströbl, Richard McDonnell, Andrea Giudiceandrea and Bernd Vogelgesang for suggestions related to some of my previous posts.

Now I have another problem.....

I have some tables already created that have a column with autogeneration id codes.

>From self-generation I often don’t get codes that start from 1 onwards but start with other numbers.

I made some tests and I noticed that if I create a table and add 10 lines the autogeneration creates id codes from 1 to 10. If I delete these lines to empty the table when I create a new line Qgis autogenerates that with the code 11, it seems that Qgis keeps in memory the number/id code of the created elements, and keep the numbering as a fixed counter.

How can I impose a autogeneration of id codes starting from 1?

Many many thanks!

Best Regards.


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