[Qgis-user] Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets Field Calculator Expressions

C Hamilton adenaculture at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 09:57:03 PDT 2023

I updated the Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets plugin to include some field
calculator expressions. If there are other expressions that you think
should be made available, let me know.


Note that you need to "pip install timezonefinder skyfield" libraries from
your OSGeo4W shell for these functions to be available.

   - *esm_local_datetime()* - Returns the current date and time as a python
   datetime object with the local computer's timezone settings.
   - *esm_local_qdatetime()* - Returns the current date and time as a
   standard QGIS QDateTime object with the local computer's timezone settings.
   - *esm_moon_phase()* - Given a date and time, return the moon's phase in
   degrees where 0° is the New Noon, 90° is First Quarter, 180° is Full Moon,
   and 270° is Last Quarter.
   - *esm_moon_zenith()* - Given a date and time, return the EPSG:4326
   coordinate point where the moon is directly overhead.
   - *esm_sun_moon_info()* - Given a date and time, latitude and longitude
   in EPSG:4326, output format type, and optional timezone of the date and
   time object, it returns a python dictionary or JSON string of solar and
   lunar information.
   - *esm_sun_zenith()* - Given a date and time, return the EPSG:4326
   coordinate point where the sun is directly overhead.

Best wishes,
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