[QGIS-ZA-user] Upcoming release of QGIS3

Chris Berens chris at mapland.co.za
Wed Jan 31 03:27:34 PST 2018

Hey thanks Admire,

We love your 'Bring it on!' attitude just when you are already in the thick
of it ;-)

Personally I think QGIS can jump through every hoop and more, but *you
asked* so I'll share my current sukkel.

I like it that we can fill a new object/record/field with a Default value
in the Edit Widget properties dialogue out of Layer properties>Fields.
Specifically I can call an environment variable such as @user_full_name -
very useful to see who added that new object.  But now I'd like to know who
performed the most recent edit on that item, i.e. auto re-populate a field
when an edit is saved...surely when it can perform this task (or perhaps it
already does) then QGIS can be complete!

Best wishes for the new release and thanks for all the help!

On 31 January 2018 at 10:07, admire via qgis-za-user <
qgis-za-user at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi
> QGIS3 is currently in feature freeze (no new features are being added,
> just fixing bugs and code revision). There is usually a lot of fanfare that
> goes with the release of a major version of QGIS.
> We will obviously have a change-log that highlights all the nice features
> that have been added and we can track various blog articles that have been
> written by developers of certain features.
> The best way to explore a new version is by looking at the shortcomings
> (sometimes it's just us users not exploring the full power of a program) of
> the current versions of QGIS.
> * Do you have any niggling issues that you have been experiencing with the
> current version of QGIS that you so long wished could be better.
> * Do you have anything that you have tried to do with the current version
> of QGIS and realized this task is impossible in QGIS.
> * Do you have any workflows that are currently tedious in the current
> versions of QGIS.
> If you have experienced any of the above issues please ask the list and we
> can use this to explore how QGIS3 is going to make our working lives better.
> Regards
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Chris Berens, Pr.GISc
SAGC No.1308
+27 (0)82 567 9322
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