[RouterGeocoder] Dual-licensing

Anton Patrushev anton.patrushev at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 00:46:23 EST 2008

Hi Steve,

Thanks, I knew you'll be the first to comment :)

Actually, my intention is not to find a way how to make money with
dual-licensing, but how to make it easy to use an Open Source library
with proprietary products. I think it would work even if the project
is immature - while nobody sees a value, nobody buys it under terms of
commercial license. That's fair and doesn't prevent the developing
community from trying hard and making it better as an Open Source
project. But once somebody wants to use it together with proprietary
software - no problem, we have our second license for that.

I don't know if OSGeo will work here (but I believe that the license
fee can be judged as a contribution). That's what OSGeo guys should
tell us.


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