[SeasonOfDocs] The Good Docs Project status meeting 21 August 2019

Felicity Brand felicitybrand at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 15:59:28 PDT 2019

Notes from today's meeting. Let me know if I captured something incorrectly.

Attendees: Cameron, Clarence, Felicity


No updates.

We want to keep it simple. We don't want barriers to contributing.

Clarence talked through his 'How to contribute' document. Let's review it,
make it live and start using it. By end of weekend and back into GitHub by
next meeting.

Action: Cameron to reply to Clarence on the email thread.

Email list

Jo - No update. Need to be publicly visible and archive-able. Needing to be
a GitHub member to contribute might reduce the amount of spam which is a
good thing.

Logo update

Erin - No update

Decision log wiki page

We looked at the page during the call. We plan to go with the table format
- if anyone has any objections, speak up.

*Action*: Cameron to add the existing decisions to table format by the end
of this weekend.


Erin - No update

Style guide/dictionary?
Action: Clarence please capture this brief discussion to wrap it up and
unless anyone objects, we'll go with Google Style guide and put it in place

We'll need to link to it from the Contributors guide.


There may be many use cases for our templates - for example, documenting an
API or a desktop app, and then there is domain specificity.  We don't want
to bloat our repo with a whole lot of different flavor templates.

We can incorporate our instructional text within the document, with a view
to our text being replaced by the template user. We may end up with a lot
of text in our templates but as a user, it's much easier to ignore what you
don't need.

Action: Felicity create Google doc version 0.1 of Quick Start template for
us to start building on.
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