[SoC] Re: Multi-modal public transit routing for pgRouting

Kishore Kumar justjkk at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 15:06:32 EDT 2011

This is the fifth week's report.

Things done in the fifth week:
* Finished reading Research Report of OpenTripPlanner.
* Sketched a rough algorithm for scheduled routing which internally
uses pgrouting A-star SQL function or A-star from boost library.

Related/Unrelated activities:
* Modifying pgRouting core library's A-star function to be more generic.
* Played with OSM API by writing a Ruby on Rails web app that connects
via OAuth.

Things to be finished by next week:
* Quickly finish or hibernate modifications to pgRouting core library.
* Finish Implementing scheduled routing function.
* Write documentation and tests for the implemented functions.

Oh, I guess this report looks ugly without any reference links. Hope
to get more links next week.

J Kishore kumar.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 1:43 AM, Kishore Kumar <justjkk at gmail.com> wrote:
> HI,
> This is the fourth week's report for my project.
> Things done in the fourth week:
> * Tweaked the pl/pgsql prototype for non-scheduled routing to accept
> GTFS formatted data.[1]
> * Discussed on the list regarding the optimality of the implementation
> and the problems.[2]
> * Worked on the flask app:
>  * generated GTFS for Chennai bus routes with frequency[3]
>  * modified frontend to call non-scheduled routing function and
> display results. Can be tested live here[4]
> * Daniel pointed me to a very useful resource, a research report[5] of
> OpenTripPlanner[6]. Reading it.
> Things to be finished by next week:
> * Finish reading [5].
> * Start developing scheduled routing algorithm.
> * Write wrappers and tests for non-scheduled routing.
> * Start writing documentation for wrappers and core functions.
> Roadblocks/Issues:
> * The OpenTripPlanner shares the same goal as this project or bigger.
> Need to discuss whether these two projects can help each other in any
> way. Like the possibility of rewriting the routing engine of OTP with
> pgrouting version, etc..
> Thanks,
> J Kishore kumar.
> [1] - https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/commit/657164066784c06e6ca0d98662d7951e3b096993
> [2] - http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pgrouting-dev/2011-June/000315.html
> [3] - https://github.com/justjkk/dotpath/commit/730120bf602697af1012528730e7f05c28f2fe3a
> [4] - http://busroutemaps.in/mtc-nonsc
> [5] - http://www.nctr.usf.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/77926.pdf
> [6] - http://opentripplanner.com/
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Kishore Kumar <justjkk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is the third week's report for my project.
>> Things done in the third week:
>> * Sketched algorithm and table structure for solving Non-scheduled
>> routing problem[1].
>> * Writing a pure pl/pgsql function as a prototype implementing the
>> non-scheduled routing function to test the algorithm and
>> efficiency[2].
>> Things to be finished by next week:
>> * Finalize algorithm for non-scheduled routing using the prototype.
>> * Implement Non-scheduled routing core function either in c if necessary.
>> * Write wrapper SQL functions for Non-scheduled routing function
>> covering major use cases.
>> [1] - http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pgrouting-dev/2011-June/000294.html
>> [2] - https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/commit/169cdf25da6235ccec4a73a8e03a164bfe8f780d
>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Kishore Kumar <justjkk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Wow, the last week went too fast and I'm presenting my second week report
>>> with this mail.
>>> Things done in the second week:
>>> * Collected more GTFS data through chennai-rail-gtfs[1] project.
>>> * Finalized database topology and confirmed[2] with mentor.
>>> * Wrote a couple of test cases for testing the SQL functions[3].
>>> Things to finish by next week:
>>> * To sketch the public transit routing algorithm as a modified a_star
>>> * To implement sm_public_transit_route function in c.
>>> Roadblocks:
>>> * Couldn't find enough time till today to finish this week's objectives.
>>> This resulted in cutting down on writing tests. Should write tests alongside
>>> implementation.
>>> [1] - https://github.com/justjkk/chennai-rail-gtfs
>>> [2] - http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pgrouting-dev/2011-June/000266.html
>>> [3]
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> J Kishore kumar.
>>> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 11:58 PM, Kishore Kumar <justjkk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am J Kishore kumar. My GSoC project aims to add public transport routing
>>>> functionality to the pgRouting library. All project related documents are
>>>> linked and managed through this wiki page[1]. Following is the first week
>>>> report of this project.
>>>> Things done before first week(till May 23rd):
>>>> * Discussed with pgRouting developers regarding the feasibility of the
>>>> project and algorithms.
>>>> * Implemented unit testing infrastructure[2] for testing the existing code
>>>> base.
>>>> * Created a small flask application[3] that uses pgRouting library and
>>>> draws routes on a Openlayers map.
>>>> * Started creating GTFS data for Chennai Railway network[4] to use it in
>>>> writing test cases for this transit library.
>>>> Things done in the first week:
>>>> * Added more trips and stop schedules that are converted from pdf
>>>> documents released by railway authorities to [4].
>>>> * Started with actual transit module code[5] and debugging.
>>>> * Adding more route's trips to [4](yet to commit).
>>>> Things to finish by next week:
>>>> * Discuss with mentor and finalise database topology(current topology is a
>>>> subset of GTFS without support for fare).
>>>> * Write tests for single modal transit route functions(thus deciding what
>>>> are the input and output parameters).
>>>> Roadblocks:
>>>> * Debugging c code written for postgresql functions is very hard. Should
>>>> learn debugging techniques from project developers.
>>>> * Marriage function in family has diverted me from spending more time.
>>>> Will become better in a week.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> J Kishore kumar.
>>>> http://twitter.com/justjkk
>>>> [1] -
>>>> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/Multi-modal-Public-Transit-Routing
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3] - https://github.com/justjkk/dotpath
>>>> [4] - https://github.com/justjkk/chennai-rail-gtfs
>>>> [5] - https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc-multimodal

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