[SoC] Report 11 - QGIS Resources Sharing Tools

Akbar Gumbira akbargumbira at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 13:55:38 PDT 2016


This is the report for the 11th week of GSoC.

*What did you get done this week?*

   - *Implemented Remote HTTP(s) ZIP Handle. *User can make a repository in
   HTTPS with zip collections inside that repository.
   - *Implemented Authentication.*This is only useful for Remote ZIP
   handler as other handlers (git, filesystem) use diferent protocol
   - *Added some verification if downloaded collections exist in the file
   system - *if not uninstall the collection
   - *Wrote unittests*

I made a short video to demonstrate how remote zip handler and
authentication can be useful here: https://youtu.be/xBiI3OGy6zs

*What do you plan on doing next week?*

   - Some small tasks: more unittests, add pep8, file header, scripts for
   - Documentation
   - Meet with Richard to make some collections

*Are you blocked on anything?*

*Other Thought*

   - If anyone has some good collections that should be added in the
   official repository, please let me know, I can spend some time to manage
   the collections
   - I still haven't made the tool possible for the collections to point to
   different handlers (zip, git) in a repository. There is something dubious
   with this. Why would users want to put the collections in different places
   in the first place? I'll also need to refactor classes as this changes what
   the repository claass is responsible for, and we need to make collections
   handler too (whether it's pointing to zip remote, git, filesystem, etc). I
   don't think this is worth the effort
   - I was thinking that maybe it's better for users to specify the type of
   the repository first (whether it's git, filesystem, or remote zip
   repository) and validate the url based on that selection. Rather than
   guessing what the handler is from the given url. WIth this, we can also
   give users more options from selected handler, e.g if they choose the git
   repository, in what branch the repository is (right now it's hardcoded to
   master branch).
   - The summary of the installation might be really useful (so that after
   installations, users know what and where the resources are installed). This
   is better not a one-time summary, so that when user clicks an installed
   collection, they still can see the summary.
   - Add composer template resource handler. Probably copying the composers
   to the user's local composer template directory is enough?

Hmm sorry if I am just braindumping here :) Have a nice weekend.


*Akbar Gumbira *
*www.akbargumbira.com <http://www.akbargumbira.com>*
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