[STDM-dev] Refactor in stdm.data package references

John Gitau gkahiu at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 13:27:33 PST 2016

Hi devs,

This is to inform you I have made changes with regard to how modules in the
*stdm.data* package are being referenced - rather than importing the
modules through the package as defined in __init__.py, I have refactored
all references to import the functions and classes directly from the
corresponding modules in *ref_config_mod* branch; for instance:

from stdm.data import spatial_tables

has now been refactored to

from stdm.data.pg_utils import spatial_tables

The reason is to enable proper importing of modules when writing tests,
which were initially failing.

Consequently, please ensure that you accept server changes pertaining to
stdm.data.* changes across the plugin in *ref_config_mod* branch and master
(eventually when merged).


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