[TCMUG] RE: GIS/LIS Conference

Dickerson, Jim (ADM) Jim.Dickerson at state.mn.us
Mon May 10 13:31:35 EDT 2010

Is Lighting Round a category of presentations or would Open Source be the category and there would be several open source lightning round presentations?

-----Original Message-----
From: tcmug-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:tcmug-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Fawcett, David (MPCA)
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 2:57 PM
To: tcmug at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [TCMUG] GIS/LIS Conference

Presentation abstracts for the fall GIS/LIS Conference are due May 21.  

This is your chance to 'walk the OpenSource walk' and provide a compliment to the 'I bought this 3$&! server product, fired up the template, and here it is...' presentations.

I was thinking of doing a "What's new and cool in OpenSource geospatial" lightning talk.  If someone already has one of these in the works, I would definitely step aside.  If not, I will be hoping for some 'new and cool' candidate nominations/examples later this summer.

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