[Tilecache] Tilecache under CherryPy http server - patch

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri May 22 07:35:16 EDT 2009

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 01:20:22PM +0200, Tibor Arpas wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> I've put together a patch to broaden and maybe simplify some
> deployment options of Tilecache. I hope to find more time to document
> this further if you like it and commit the entry point. I also think
> pure python deployment is the simplest for beginners and should
> probably be the first option in documentation. The CGI option should
> be as the last one with a big warning of beeing unusably slow.

CGI is definitely not "unusably slow" -- it is still significantly
faster than many WMS servers are. "Significantly slower than any other
option" is likely true. i'm also not convinced that pure python
deployment is the best first option, because most people have
infrastructure in place for managing apache, while infrastructure fo
managing CherryPy or a standalone server is not something they have
access to. (How do I make sure my tilecache server starts up again after
a server restart? etc.)

That said, feel free to improve and rearrnge the docs: the order is not
important to me.

Your docs and code are in trunk with r389.

> The minimal documentation proposal follows below.
> Best regards,
> Tibor
> Running Standalone with PasteScript and CherryPy
> ================================================
> One component of the CherryPy web framework is a pure Python, fast,
> HTTP/1.1-compliant, WSGI thread-pooled webserver.
> To deploy Tilecache using this option you have to:
>  * Install prerequisites:
> easy_install PasteScript
> easy_install CherryPy
>  * Create a deployment config file specifying the http server and the
> application with options.
>  The format of the configuration file is documented here:
>  http://pythonpaste.org/deploy/#the-config-file
> Example configuration file follows. Copy the lines into tc.ini, tweak
> the tilecache_config variable, run paster serve tc.ini and enjoy at
> [server:main]
> #tested with Paste#http and PasteScript#wsgiutils, PasteScript#twisted
> also possible after installing dependencies
> use = egg:PasteScript#cherrypy
> host =
> port = 5000
> [composite:main]
> use = egg:Paste#urlmap
> /tc = tilecache1
> [app:tilecache1]
> use = egg:TileCache
> tilecache_config = tilecache.cfg

Christopher Schmidt

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