[TOSprint] Week or weekend sprint?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Dec 1 09:25:17 EST 2010

On 10-12-01 10:09 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> actually it was 5 vs 3.
> It really was 4 vs 3 until this morning when two late votes came and now
> we're at 6 vs 3.
> FYI, I have things mostly sorted out for the week-only option at CMM
> (24th floor, private subnet, etc.) and we are still working to sort out
> networking issues with our weekend option (UQAM) before I can bring up
> the two options for a vote.

interesting, UQAM has affordable 3-bedroom apartments: 

But tough to research accommodation without dates.


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