[Ubuntu] Hello (plus kubuntu Jaunty issues with Qgis)

Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 04:35:59 EDT 2009

Hello list
I'm Ricardo, from Portugal. Congratulations on this effort of
maintaining a repo of GIS packages for Ubuntu. Great work!

I've been using the ubuntugis-unstable repository on my kubuntu 9.04
(with kde4.3) machine.

Since I upgraded kde to version 4.3 some python apps got broken,
including my dearest and most useful Qgis.

By broken I mean that I can't start Qgis anymore, and that the output
from the konsole just says "Segmentation fault" and nothing else.

I think this issue is python related (maybe python-qt or sip). I was
able to overcome this problem by manually recompiling Qgis, but I was
hoping that there would be a way to fix it so that I could be using
the version from the repositories again. This morning there was an
update of some python packages on the repo, but I got no change in
behaviour from my version of Qgis from the repo.

Anyway, I know that kde 4.3 is only available for Ubuntu 9.04 users
through the backports repository so maybe I am asking too much from
you guys. Maybe I should be waiting for Karmic to get things right and
stick with manually compiling for now, but it doesn't hurt to ask
right ;)

___________________________ ___ __
Ricardo Garcia Silva

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