[Ubuntu] Hello (plus kubuntu Jaunty issues with Qgis)

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Mon Aug 24 10:16:08 EDT 2009


Could you provide me the list of your python, kde and qt package list. Just do 
a `dpkg -l | egrep -e '(python|kde|qt)'`. I'll  try to take a look as soon as 
I can.


On August 24, 2009 10:03:47 am Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da wrote:
> Hi Albin, thanks for your assistance
> I am the person who started that thread that you speak about, on the
> qgis-user list ;)
> I decided to bring it here as it seemed appropriate, since I am using
> the ubuntugis repository.
> I have fixed this issue on my end by recompiling Qgis, but still it
> would be nice to have it properly fixed. It's weird that Alan can run
> Qgis fine while we struggle with this problem.
> I am not suficiently skilled to root out the problem, but if someone
> wants to look into it I can provide all the info necessary.

Alan Boudreault

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