[Ubuntu] Packages for Maverick (10.10)?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 8 03:07:00 EDT 2010

Tim wrote:
> What's your opinion?

IMHO GRASS 6.5svn is mainly for power-users and developers testing things
before backporting them to the stable branch, and it is much more useful to
end-users to package nightly builds of the stable 6.4svn branch (access to
all the latest bugfixes). If a development branch is packaged, my fear is
that it will be used, and people will expect it to always work and not
destroy their data. (ok, slightly over-dramatic, but you get no guarantees
if you decide to ride the slicing edge.)

but of course this is open source, actually 6.5svn is pretty stable, and
you are free to package whatever code interests you..



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