[Ubuntu] gdal 1.9 with FileGDB API

Seb R seb44550 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 01:12:32 PDT 2012

I just wanted to find a way to make it easier to other people.
Personnaly, I don't have problems with using the terminal to build
It's just that my company is thinking of migrating from ArcGIS to Qgis but
they have all (or most of) their data in Geodatabases.
If I want to have arguments to encourage them using Qgis, they must recover
their data easily.
Of course, they mainly use Windows so it's probably easier, but in my lab,
I also try to make them partially move to Ubuntu for modelling
Well, thanks for your answers. We'll see what happens in the future...
I encourage you to continue maintaining this ppa !
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