[Ubuntu] A new QGIS 2.0

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Mon Feb 17 13:24:54 PST 2014

I was wondering if it would be possible (I know there's been a lot of 
talk about the repositories) to get a new(er) version of QGIS 2.0. 
There's a bug with spatialite (takes minutes to build a database) and 
you don't get that with the QGIS repos...but QGIS is compiled against 
gdal 1.7.3 and I would really like to keep 1.10. Sorry for asking - I 
should be trying to compile my own but that always seems to end not great.

I know QGIS 2.2 is coming out shortly - but it would be pretty cool if 
this could be updated.


Randal Hale, GISP
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
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