[Ubuntu] Debian GIS Policy

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sat Jan 4 07:49:18 PST 2014

On 01/04/2014 02:36 PM, Tim Michelsen wrote:
> Hello,
>> - Common Git repository structures
>> http://linuxminded.nl/tmp/pkg-grass-website/policy.html#git-repository-structures
>> -- Other branches
>>    http://linuxminded.nl/tmp/pkg-grass-website/policy.html#git-branches
>> - PPA for Ubuntu by UbuntuGIS
>>   http://linuxminded.nl/tmp/pkg-grass-website/policy.html#ubuntugis-ppa
> Are you planning to consider also the daily build PPAs in this structure?

I'm not directly involved with the UbuntuGIS PPAs, nor the possible
OSGeo-Live PPAs, so I cannot comment on the future of the PPAs.

The intention for the UbuntuGIS PPA section in the Debian GIS policy is
to document best practices on how to maintain the packaging source in
the Debian GIS version control repositories.

The Debian GIS git repository should be the common source of all GIS
.deb packaging. The actual binary packages build from those sources is
managed by the respective derivatives using their specific infrastructure.

> This is a nice feature for commonly used and fast developing packages:
> * gdal
> * grass
> * qgis
> * etc.

Maintaining daily updates of these packages will not be any easy job.
QGIS is a beast to build and the support for the python-sip package it
depends on breaks quite often.

GDAL, GRASS, but also Proj and GOES have many reverse dependencies which
at minimum require binary rebuilds every time these core libraries are

Regardless of the dependency chain implications, any changes made to
support new upstream versions should be maintained in de Debian GIS
repository in the appropriate branches.

When all maintainers of GIS related .deb packages use the Debian GIS
repository for their source packages, we can more easily support updates
for these large and/or essential packages, by sharing the workload and
package changes.

Kind Regards,


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