[Ubuntu] [DKIM] Additional grass dependencies

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Jul 6 08:15:46 PDT 2023

On 7/6/23 16:16, Luí s Moreira de Sousa wrote:
> Grass requires the packages subversion and grass-dev to install extensions. Would it make sense to add them as dependencies to the grass package itself? At least subversion would come handy.

grass already suggests grass-dev, it's not a hard dependency on purpose.

grass-dev in turn already recommends subversion.

g.extension also documents this:


  Since extensions have to be compiled on Unix based systems (Linux, Mac
  OSX etc.) unless a Python extension is installed, a full compiler
  environment must be present on the user's computer.

  ERROR: Please install GRASS development package

  While GRASS GIS is available on the user's computer, the respective
  development package is lacking. If GRASS was installed from a (Linux)
  repository, also the grass-dev* package (commonly named "grass-dev" or
  "grass-devel", sometimes along with the version number) must be

Most users don't use g.extension, so they don't need to have grass-dev 
installed the ones that do should follow these instructions.

Kind Regards,


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