[Webcom] I would like to translate OSGeo documents

허민 heomin61 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 05:00:05 EDT 2008

Thanks Jason,

I have subscribed to http://www.osgeo.org/, and my user-id is heomin61.

There is no other volunteer translators right now, as far as I know,
and I don't know the translating process very well. So, 'official
translation liason' is too early to discuss, I think. At first, I
should learn more about the translations, and then discuss later.


p.s. I think you are working for Nanaimo, BC, Canada, from your email
address. I was very impressed with the city's works, and posted a
message, one month's ago. Please consult
http://heomin61.tistory.com/331. I am very happy :-)


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:11:04 -0700
From: "Jason Birch" <Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca>
Subject: RE: [Webcom] I would like to translate OSGeo documents
To: <webcom at lists.osgeo.org>
       <8E468917B01800408B91984428BE03DD072A6148 at starfish.nanaimo.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="utf-8"

Welcome Min,

Please sign up for an OSGeo UserID here:


and let me know what it is.  Then I will grant you the translator role.

Instructions for new translators are available here:


If there are going to be a lot of translators from the Korean Language
Chapter, it would be great if either you or Sanghee Shin could
volunteer to be the official translation liason for your chapter,
sending me the OSGeo userid of new translators.  Having a single point
of contact helps with issues of trust, interpretation, etc.

Your written English is quite good, by the way.


-----Original Message-----
From: webcom-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:webcom-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of ??
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 01:33
To: webcom at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Webcom] I would like to translate OSGeo documents


My name is Min Heo, and I am very interested in free and open source
GIS. Recently, we organize OSGeo Korea, I am one of the member, and we
are going to translate the OSGeo documents in http://www.osgeo.org/.

So, I have contacted Tyler Mitchell, and requested translator
privilege, and subscribe to this mailing list and post this message,
following Typer's advise.

As you can see, I cannot speak and write English well, however, I have
lots of experience in translating. I am not sure but I have translate
4-5 books before.

Please welcome me and give me the privilege. And, I don't know the
procedures or anything, so please don't blame me when I ask basic



블로그 : http://heomin61.tistory.com/

연구부장/기술사                    Senior Researcher/Professional Engineer
측량정보기술연구원                Institute for Geomatics
대한측량협회                          Korea Association of Surveying & Mapping
서울 영등포구 당산동4가         15 Dongyang Tower B/D, 93-1 Dangsan-Dong 4Ga,
93-1 동양타워빌딩 15층          Youngdeungpo-Gu, Seoul, Korea, 150-722
Mobile : +82-16-214-7917, Tel : +82-2-2679-4231, Fax : +82-2-2631-3867


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