[ZOO-Discuss] Static libraries in ZOO (libcgic)?

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Thu Nov 4 06:28:32 PDT 2010

Hi Markus,
my comments bellow,

Le 4 nov. 2010 à 12:14, Markus Neteler a écrit :

> Hi,
> we are currently trying to install ZOO on Fedora14 but have the problem
> that libfcgi.a is used in
> http://zoo-project.org/trac/browser/trunk/thirds/cgic206/Makefile
> which doesn't exist at least since Fedora13.

did you tried modifying the Makefile of cgi206 to use the FastCGI dynamic library ? I think this shall work.

> I wonder why a static library
> is called here and why libcgic is generated as static library, too.
> I thought that dynamic libs (.so) are way more effective?

In fact since the begining we try to make ZOO-Project as less intrusive as possible. I mean, if there is some program which depends on libcgic dynamic library and you remplace by our own copy I think that some things can be wrong. So we thought that it can be a good idea to avoid the use of dynamic library for the libcgic. 

About the FastCGI static library use, as we use libcgic as a static library, I thought that it can be good to get a dependency free library, I can be wrong.

I agree that that dynamic libraries can make the final binary smaller in size but what is exactly the efficiency you're talking about, can you give me more details ?

Hope to hear from you,
Best regards,

Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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