[ZOO-Discuss] GIS GRASS ZOO integration

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 05:50:06 PST 2010

2010/10/22 Eugenio Realini <eugenio.realini at gmail.com>:
> Hi Soeren,

Hi Soeren and Eugenio, I restart to work on grass and zoo... I create
a new virtual machine with fedora (to test a new distribution, instead
ubuntu) and I make some progress

> We disabled the removal of the temporary file (map_0) that GDAL tries
> to load, and checked what it contained in three different cases:
> 1) direct call of a local file (in cgi-bin folder):
> The file map_0 contains only the name of the file as text (without
> quotes): "DTM_108.tif"

I test r_univar only with geotiff and I have the same result, my tree
on /tmp is like this

|--- gisrc
|--- map_0
|--- startLocation
|     |--- PERMANENT
|           |--- DEFAULT_WIND
|           |--- WIND
|--- zones_1

and this is the error from logfile.txt

Created input filename /tmp/tmpp9qXwz/map_0

Unable to create input files

Remove /tmp/tmpp9qXwz

I'm starting to look the code for understand how to solve the problem...

> Best regards
> Eugenio


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