[Zoo-discuss] service status not update

pablo zader pzader at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 11:26:04 PDT 2015

hi list

I have one problem:
The Status Service does not update the percentCompleted field always yields
I have the revision rev 513 of Zoo

 <wps:Status creationTime="2015-07-19T11:38:42Z">
    <wps:ProcessStarted percentCompleted="0">ZOO Service "r_slope_aspect"
is currently running. Please, reload this document to get the up-to-date
status of the Service.</wps:ProcessStarted>

thanks in advanced

*Pablo J. Zader*
*Lic. en Cs. de la Computación*
*pablo.zader at gmail.com <pablo.zader at gmail.com>*

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