Introducing GeoNetwork opensource and myself

Jeroen Ticheler jeroen.ticheler at
Wed Jun 21 03:40:31 EDT 2006

Hi list,
Just ran into this. Seems like a very good idea and I understand it  
was more or less triggered while Jody was in South Africa!?

I'm Jeroen Ticheler, working at the Food and Agriculture Organization  
(FAO) in Rome Italy. We are working with several UN agencies and  
country initiatives on Spatial Catalogues/ Spatial Data Management  
through the development of GeoNetwork opensource (http:// Thought it would be a good idea to  
introduce that here as the software is running in several places in  
Africa already and aims at making spatial data more accessible. A a  
FOSS project, you're most welcome to use it and contribute to its  
development wherever you can :-)

Jeroen Ticheler
SDRN - Room F817
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome - Italy
Tel/Fax: +39 06 570 56041/53369

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