[OSGeo Africa] Introducing GeoNetwork opensource and myself

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at fao.org
Wed Jun 21 04:57:20 EDT 2006

Hi Jody,

Yes, there is CSW 2 code in the CVS head now.

We are working on GeoNetwork version 2.1 that should have CSW 2.0.1  
support. In fact, we are working on making that the OGC reference  
implementation. Just had the kick off meeting for OGC-OWS-4 last week.

The code is based on the ISO application profile. We'll most likely  
also work on the new Earth Observation profile as currently proposed  
by the European Space Agency. Andrea already committed code for the  
ISO profile support to GeoNetwork, including a client for testing.

The client code is in org/fao/geonet/csw/client/

As said, it is still work in progress, should be ready by September  
and final by December when all CITE testing is ready too and OWS-4  
closes. If you need a test server, I can send you what I have now. We  
will for sure set up a test server in the near future!

Looking very much forward to see uDig use CSW as a client!!!

Are you still in Johannesburg?

I copied the geonetwork devel list for info.


On Jun 21, 2006, at 10:42 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Just ran into this. Seems like a very good idea and I understand  
>> it was more or less triggered while Jody was in South Africa!?
> Nope I am innocent on this one.
> But I am going to try and help out where I can, and bore people  
> with some ideas on how we can get FOSS going here in Africa.
> Just managed to get myself time to go to FOSS4G and am trying to  
> decide and may do a presentation on the same (only ten days till  
> the deadline).
>> I'm Jeroen Ticheler, working at the Food and Agriculture  
>> Organization (FAO) in Rome Italy. We are working with several UN  
>> agencies and country initiatives on Spatial Catalogues/ Spatial  
>> Data Management through the development of GeoNetwork opensource  
>> (http://geonetwork.sourceforge.net). Thought it would be a good  
>> idea to introduce that here as the software is running in several  
>> places in Africa already and aims at making spatial data more  
>> accessible. A a FOSS project, you're most welcome to use it and  
>> contribute to its development wherever you can :-)
> Heh, do you have some client code I can borrow for uDig :-)   
> Actually depending on your web user interface we may be able to use  
> it as is (via an embedded browser). I was chatting with Jesse the  
> other day and apparently he has not maintained contact with you ...
> Cheers,
> Jody
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