[OSGeo Africa] QGIS 1.0.0 Preview II tagged in svn

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Fri Nov 7 20:42:40 EST 2008

Hi Folks (with apologies for cross posting and for the rather long


1) QGIS 1.0 Preview II Tagged
2) Preview II checkout notes
3) Packagers
4) Plugin Writers
5) Release Team
6) QGIS Users & Developers
7) OSGEO Africa
8) Special note for Ubuntu 8.10 Users


1) QGIS 1.0 Preview II Tagged

We are inching closer to a QGIS 1.0 release. With the QGIS API revision
done, and heaps more bug fixes from our dedicated team of developers, I
have tagged QGIS 1.0.0 Preview II so we can put what we have out for
more testing. I expect that I will put out a Preview III early december
with the hope of having the final QGIS 1.0 release out for end of Dec
2008 (assuming everyone is happy to go ahead and release).

NOTE: This is a *preview* version, NOT the final release.

2) Preview II checkout notes:

NOTE: For developers and people used to building from source

To check out the tagged preview II do:

svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/tags/Release-1_0_0-preview2

3) Packagers:

If packagers could be so kind as to build new preview packages, we can
make those available from our web site and encourage testing with a more
up to date QGIS. If you notify me when your packages are available, I
will add them to http://download.qgis.org

4) Plugin Writers:

I'll let the API cleanups settle for a week or so at which point if
there has been no further no further need for tweaking, we should
declare QGIS 1.0 API frozen and encourage plugin writers to ready their
plugins for the final QGIS 1.0.0 release. I will send out an email
during the course of next week to keep you updated of the situation.

5) Release Team:

Although we are not ready to start formally down the release checklist,
it would be great if you take a look at items with your name and assess
if they can be done now already so at the point of rolling out 1.0.0
there is less work for us to do. In particular it would be great if you
could start to work on the visual changelog at:


Please leave the API change notes in there too - we can leave them at
the end of the doc for devs to take note of. 

6) QGIS Users & Developers:

Once the Preview II package is available for your operating system (or
you have built it yourself), please check through your tickets in trac
if you have previously filed bugs. If your bugs are no longer valid,
please close them. If there are requests for information pending, please
help us by giving the needed details. 

If you are in a GIS User Group why not hold a bug verification fest
where you spend a morning going through the bug queue validating and
marking for closure all bugs that are no longer issues.

7) OSGEO Africa

Anyone interested in holding a QGIS bug cleanup session as described
above? We could hold it after the OSGEO demo session in Johannesburg,
South Africa on November 29th (pending confirmation that we could use
the facilities into the afternoon). It would be a fun way to get to know
QGIS a little better and embark on some community participation. Free
copy of QGIS to everyone who attends :-)

8) Special note for Ubuntu 8.10 Users

There have been reports about QGIS and other Qt based applications not
starting. There is a ticket filed for this here:


You should be able to resolve the issue by doing:

sudo apt-get remove --purge uim-qt3

Please follow the above ticket if this does not work for you or you need
further info.

Once again my apologies for the cross posting...


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
 * QGIS programming services
 * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
 * FOSS Consulting & Support Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
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