[OSGeo Africa] Re: OSGeo Demo/QGIS Bug Session

Brendon Wolff-Piggott brendon at integratedgeodata.co.za
Mon Nov 10 16:01:51 EST 2008

Hi Tim

I was at FOSS4Geo in Cape Town, and am keen to get involved.  I'm a FOSS
GIS user (QGIS/GRASS/PostGIS) and although not an expert in these
applications would be willing to donate time on the day for the demo
session in Joburg (and bug cleanup).

I have been looking out for info on the demo sessions you mentioned on the
Wiki a while back, but haven't been keeping abreast of things.  What is
format planned for the 29th November?

Brendon Wolff-Piggott

> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2008 03:42:40 +0200
> From: Tim Sutton <tim at linfiniti.com>
> Subject: [OSGeo Africa] QGIS 1.0.0 Preview II tagged in svn
> 6) QGIS Users & Developers:
> Once the Preview II package is available for your operating system (or
you have built it yourself), please check through your tickets in trac
if you have previously filed bugs. If your bugs are no longer valid,
please close them. If there are requests for information pending, please
help us by giving the needed details.
> If you are in a GIS User Group why not hold a bug verification fest
where you spend a morning going through the bug queue validating and
marking for closure all bugs that are no longer issues.
> 7) OSGEO Africa
> Anyone interested in holding a QGIS bug cleanup session as described
above? We could hold it after the OSGEO demo session in Johannesburg,
South Africa on November 29th (pending confirmation that we could use
the facilities into the afternoon). It would be a fun way to get to know
QGIS a little better and embark on some community participation. Free
copy of QGIS to everyone who attends :-)

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