[OSGeo Africa] SDI-Africa - GIS & remote sensing news in Africa - October 2008

Kate Lance klance_remote at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 2 07:32:24 EDT 2008

* apologies for cross-posting *  
Please forward this message to colleagues who may be interested.

Spatial Data Infrastructure — Africa (SDI-Africa), published by the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association, is a free, electronic newsletter for people interested in GIS, remote sensing, and data management issues in Africa.

The October SDI-Africa 2008issue includes (among many other items):
- South-south collaboration on SERVIR implementation in Africa
- Malawi Digital Spatial Data Standard (MDSDS)
- Ghana’s CERSGIS honoured by President's Excellence Award
- Report from Burkina Workshop on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- Health Information System launched in Sierra Leone
- Russians agree to launch South African Sumbandila satellite, but uncertainty remains
- Mapping Africa’s Protected Areas (MAPA) - Call for volunteers
- Will Africa ever own her share of Space?
- 3rd ESRI Eastern Africa User Conference, 23-24 October 2008, Nairobi, Kenya 
- 7th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment
(AARSE), 27-31 October 2008, Accra, Ghana
- International Seminar on Space Technology and Applications for Sustainable Development,
resheduled to 24-27 November 2008, Tunis, Tunisia
- International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-based and Ground-based
Augmentation Systems and Applications, 11-14 November 2008, Berlin, Germany
- Workshop on High-Impact Weather Predictability and Information System for Africa, 9-12 February
2009, Trieste, Italy
- Systematic land information and management manual for Somalia
- New release - ILWIS 3.5 Open
- gvSIG metadata prototype is now available in gvSIG 1.1.x
- 22nd Greater Horn of Africa climate outlook forum (GHACOF22) Statement: September-December 2008 rainfall season
- Rapid analysis of the vulnerable population in the Great Lakes region in Africa for evidence-informed strategic planning, presented at 2008 HIV/AIDS Implementer's Meeting, 3-7 June 2008, Kampala, Uganda
- National University of Rwanda Postgraduate short course certificate/diploma programme in Applied
Geographic Information Science. Deadline: November 15, 2008.
- Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Neogeography Seminars
- GEOSS Workshop for Water Security and Governance in Africa, 24-26 October 2008, Accra, Ghana
- Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural Research (YPARD). Deadline: October 31, 2008.
- Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building. Deadline: October 31, 2008.
- Western Indian Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) 2nd call for proposals for 2008. Deadline: October 15, 2008.
- 2009 Technology in Government in Africa (TIGA) Awards. Deadline: December 31, 2008.
- Invitation to Bid: Provision of ground controls and acquisition of Imageries from air-borne platforms
for the Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria
- Job: Researcher - Remote Sensing & GIS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Job: Assistant Research Officer - Malaria Atlas Project (MAP), Nairobi, Kenya
- E-government for development: A case study from Mozambique
- Peri-urban land reform, political-economic reform, and urban political ecology in Zanzibar
SDI-Africa has been published monthly since May 2002 and has wide circulation across Africa. Each issue highlights recent activities, provides details about available data and tools, and includes notices about upcoming training, employment and funding opportunities, and events. The aim is to strengthen national SDI initiatives and support synchronization of regional geospatial activities. Past and current SDI-Africa newsletters are accessible at the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association website at http://www.gsdi.org/newsletters.asp . Regional newsletters for Latin America/Caribbean and Asia/Pacific regions also are available. 
To subscribe for the GDSI news list, go to: http://www.gsdi.org/newslist/gsdisubscribe.asp 
To receive announcements throughout the month of opportunities and other activities, subscribe to SDI-Africa email list at http://lists.gsdi.org/mailman/listinfo/sdi-africa . The email list archives are accessible at: http://lists.gsdi.org/pipermail/sdi-africa/ 

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