[OSGeo Africa] 1: 500 000 hydrogeological maps of south africa

Paul Scott pscott209 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 02:11:33 EST 2012

Hash: SHA1

So many proprietary software specific questions? Why? Rather ask
around concepts, not functions in specific software packages - those
can be learned.

This is OSGeo right? OS being relevant at some point?

Just checking...

- -- Paul

On 21/02/2012 11:46, Tshikororo.J wrote:
> Define versioning and list its main events How will release com
> objects. If you want to update 'n' number of features in
> featureclass which interface will you use (performance wise) What
> is Callback in ArcGIS Server? Explain security model employed in
> ArcGIS Server . Whats new in 9.3? What is projection ? What are
> different projection systems and what is difference between
> projected coordinated system and geographic coordinate system What
> is a scale.? What is geocoding? What is reverse geocoding? What is
> geo-referencing? What is geo-processing? What is ArcSDE. What is
> database which you used?. If two persons updating the particular
> row of the table in database?. How does the system work?. How do
> you load data into SDE? How will create a SDE view? What is an
> interface to implemented for callback ? What is difference between
> queryfilter and querydef?, when to use ? Difference between
> IFeatureLayer and Layer What is generic class used to hold a set of
> properties for database connection? Whether every controls in Web
> ADF has a property "CallBackresults"? Give few command line ArcSDE
> commands? Difference beteween personal geodatabase and enterprise
> geodatabase What is ASP.NET AJax model used in ArcGIS Server 9.3
> and 9.3 What is BLOB? What is difference between Overriding and
> overloading Difference between abstract class and interface What is
> GPS ?

- -- 
- -- Paul http://www.paulscott.za.net http://www.chisimba.com
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