[OSGeo Africa] 2013 GIS short courses through Continued Education at University of Pretoria

Coetzee Serena serenacoetzee at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 07:24:02 PST 2012

2013 GIS short courses through Continued Education at University of Pretoria (www.ceatup.com)

1. Certificate Course in Introductory Geographic Information Systems 
February - June 2013
Web-based with workshops in Pretoria (proprietary and open source) and Cape Town (open source only)

2. Certificate Course in Advanced Geographic Information Systems 
February - October 2013
Web-based learning with workshops in Pretoria

3. GIS Professional Practice 
February - June 2013
Distance learning with workshops in Pretoria

4. Introduction to Geoinformation Standards 
15 - 16 July 2013 in Pretoria

5. Spatial databases with PostGIS 
25 - 29 March 2013 in Pretoria

6. Introduction to Quantum GIS (on request)
7. Remote Sensing (on request)
8. The Basics of GIS (on request)

For more information, visit www.up.ac.za/cgis, click on 'Professional development' or http://web.up.ac.za/default.asp?ipkCategoryID=16147&subid=16147&ipklookid=11

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