[OSGeo Africa] Upcoming courses: Enterprise GIS, QGIS and PostGIS

Gavin Fleming gavin at afrispatial.co.za
Sun Jul 21 13:28:34 PDT 2013

The FOSS GIS Academy has the following courses scheduled for August 2013 
in the beautiful Cape Winelands.

They are just a few weeks away so don't delay.

Introduction to Enterprise GIS with FOSS 

Learn how to set up and run a full enterprise GIS with Free and Open 
Source Software. We will cover the full stack: server platform, spatial 
database, web map servers, map tiling and caching, OGC web services and 
web map clients. Software includes OpenGeo Suite (PostGIS, GeoServer, 
GeoWebcache, GeoExt, OpenLayers) and Quantum GIS (desktop, server and 
web client)

12-16 August 2013 (5 days)
Le Vendome, Paarl
R6900 (excl VAT)

Introduction to Quantum GIS 

This is an introductory-level course. So if you are new to GIS, new to 
FOSS GIS or are experienced in other GIS software and want to find out 
how to do your work in Quantum GIS, this course is for you. Quantum GIS 
(QGIS) is the ideal professional desktop GIS for any application.

Most previous attendees have extended the course with the two day 
PostGIS GIS that follows. QGIS and PostGIS work beautifully together.

19-21 August 2013 (3 days)
Le Vendome, Paarl
R4140 (excl VAT)

Introduction to PostGIS 

PostGIS is a full-featured spatial database that you can use anywhere 
from your personal laptop to your organisation's enterprise or cloud 
server. With PostGIS, users, web map servers and other applications can 
all run off the same database. Use it to store and manage data, support 
multiple clients, enable concurrent editing and do advanced geospatial 
processing and analysis right in the database.

22-23 August 2013 (2 days)
Le Vendome, Paarl
R2760 (excl VAT)

You can register here <http://www.fossgisacademy.com/tests> for any of 
these courses.

hope to see you there

Gavin Fleming

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