[OSGeo Africa] South Africa Cadastral Data

Walter Smit walter.s at sa-solutions.co.za
Wed Oct 2 05:22:23 PDT 2013

Hi Grant

I can only speak for the Northern Cape and Freestate provinces - where the
SG makes all their data freely available on the web. And you can already
overlay it over several sources of aerial imagery (NGI, Google, Bing, topo
maps). Loosely based on Openlayers. The SG data displayed there are
automatically linked to the SG office internal system - updates run every 2

You can register and access it here:

http://spisys.gov.za/ - click on the Public View link.

You can either switch on the "inactive" layers on the right under "Standard
Layers" or if you want to be able to click on a property and get its details
and SG diagrams etc - then zoom to at least level 16, then click on the 5th
icon ("load stands") from the top on the left.

We could share the vector layers with you via WMS -if we get approval from
Dept Rural Development (under which CD:NGI and SPLUMB fall).


-----Original Message-----
From: africa-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:africa-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]
On Behalf Of Grant Slater
Sent: 02 October 2013 01:41 PM
To: Africa local chapter discussions
Subject: [OSGeo Africa] South Africa Cadastral Data

OSGeo Africa,

I want to create an online map of cadastral data overlayed on CD:NGI Aerial
imagery, like my http://aerial.openstreetmap.org.za/ site.
Basically an open source clone of: http://tinyurl.com/nnp56eo [National
Cadastral Spatial - csgmapguide.ruraldevelopment.gov.za ]

Does anyone know...

1) Are the South Africa Cadastral polygons freely available? How do I get a
copy? (aka shapefile, gml or similar)
2) Does the Chief Surveyor General (CSG) impose any usage restrictions or
redistribution restrictions?
3) Are the underlying scanned sheets available? Fee? Collected from CSG
office on harddrive?
4) Anything else I should know?

PS: Happy to receive other African cadastral data ;-)

 OpenStreetMap South Africa mapper & sysadmin team member.
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