[OSGeo Africa] converting shapefile to get Google extent

Hanlie Pretorius hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 12:09:31 PDT 2013

1. Load your Ecape shapefile and use the Vector - Research tools -
Polygon from layer extent menu to find the extents of the Ecape.

2. Reproject the extent polygon into Google projection (EPSG:3857).

3. Look at the metadata in the properties of the reprojected extent
polygon layer to find the min and max X and Y values.


> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 18:18:56 +0200
> From: Solly Vuso <sollyvuso at gmail.com>
> To: Africa local chapter discussions <africa at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo Africa] converting shapefile to get Google extent
> 	co-ordinates
> Hi
> Can someone assist me I have a provincial shapefile that I want to use it
> for pmapper and geomoose bt am struggling to get the exact extent for my
> province .
> Please assist me to get the right google projections
> Am in Eastern Cape , South Africa and I need the provincial boundary extent
> in Google projections

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