[OSGeo Africa] Upcoming FOSS GIS courses

PHILANI MOFFAT MFEKA mfekapm at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 05:57:56 PDT 2014

How much is the course? especially the one in White River.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Gavin Fleming <gavin at afrispatial.co.za>wrote:

>  AfriSpatial and Linfiniti are offering the following scheduled courses [1]
> They will each earn you 1 or 2 CPD points if you are a registered GISc
> professional.
> Introduction to QGIS + Introduction to PostGIS
> =============   ==============
>     QGIS (3 days) can be done separately or together with PostGIS (2 days)
>     Paarl, 26-30 May
>     White River, Mpumalanga, 7-11 July
> Spatial databases with PostGIS
> ===================
>     University of Pretoria, 9-13 June
> Introduction to Enterprise GIS with FOSS
> =========================
>     University of the Western Cape, 23-27 June
> Advanced GIS with FOSS
> ===============
>     Paarl, 25-29 August
> Find out more [1]
> Register directly [2]
> Add our schedule to your calendar [3]
> hope to see you at one of our courses!
> regards
> Gavin
> [1] http://www.fossgisacademy.com/courses
> [2] http://www.fossgisacademy.com/tests
> [3]
> http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/fossgisacademy.com_rk4a95so8g32c2p0eobrq2e9q4%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
> --
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