[OSGeo Africa] South African National DEM User Need

Aslam Parker AParker at ruraldevelopment.gov.za
Fri Aug 15 05:44:42 PDT 2014

Dear Colleagues

The Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information (CD: NGI), of
the Branch National Geomatics Management Services, is an integral part
of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. Its mandate is
regulated through the Land Survey Act (Act 8 of 1997) and the Spatial
Data Infrastructure Act (Act 54 of 2003) .
At the 2013 National Imagery and Mapping Advisory Committee (NIMAC)
meeting that was held in Pretoria, a need was expressed by users for a
national DEM at a spatial resolution higher than the 25m that the CD:
NGI currently provides.
CD: NGI, would like to determine national DEM needs in South Africa.
You are kindly requested to complete the on-line questionnaire which
will greatly assist us in summarising needs. The questionnaire can be
accessed by the URL below:
It will be greatly appreciated if you could complete the questionnaire
at your earliest convenience.
Aslam Parker | Director: Geo-spatial Information and Professional
|Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information www.ngi.gov.za|
Cape Town|
Tel +27 21 658 4302| Fax +27 86 211 7919| Mobile 082 331 8501|
aparker at ruraldevelopment.gov.za 


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