[OSGeo Africa] Speed data(ing) this Saturday
Adi Eyal
adi at code4sa.org
Mon Feb 17 10:47:49 PST 2014
Hi All
Code for South Africa and Hacks/Hackers Cape Town are running an open
data event this Saturday. We're collaborating with Hacks/Hackers JHB
to run a speed data(ing) event. Read about how this works
http://www.code4sa.org/2014/02/17/speed-dataing.html. In summary, in
contrast to traditional hackathons that place coders front and centre,
speed data(ing) encourages non-developers to participate and interview
data. We're always in need of people who can fire up QGIS and make
maps fly around.
It's actually quite a fun idea. We're hosting it at Codebridge in
Claremont, Cape Town. Come through on Saturday between 09:30 and
13:30. Find more details here:
We're excited so stop by and say hello.
Adi Eyal
Code for South Africa
Promoting informed decision-making
phone: +27 78 014 2469
skype: adieyalcas
linkedin: http://za.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Adi/Eyal
web: http://www.code4sa.org
twitter: @soapsudtycoon
For more information on how to participate in the open data community
in South Africa, go to: http://www.code4sa.org/#community
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