[OSGeo Africa] Releasing Powerful New Data to Enable Planning for Resilience ( 30m SRTM DEM )
Aslam Parker
AParker at ruraldevelopment.gov.za
Thu Sep 25 01:21:38 PDT 2014
Dear Colleagues
Please see exiting development on the release of the SRTM 30m DEM,
which until now was not accessible to South Africa. We will need to
anaylse the metadata to ensure interoperability with other DEM sources
in South Africa.
From: Crowe, John <jcrowe at usgs.gov>
Date: Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 1:53 PM
Subject: White House Press Release/Fact Sheet: Climate Resilience
To: GS-CLU LRS <gs-clu_lrs at usgs.gov>, Jon Campbell
<joncampbell at usgs.gov>
Releasing Powerful New Data to Enable Planning for Resilience
To empower local authorities to better plan for the impacts of severe
environmental changes such as drought, glacial retreat, flooding,
landslides, coastal storm surges, agricultural stresses, and challenges
concerning public health, today the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), the National Geospatial-intelligence Agency
(NGA), and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as part of an ongoing
commitment to open data and international data sharing through the
inter-governmental Group on Earth Observations, will release a
collection of higher-resolution elevation datasets for Africa. Datasets
covering other global regions will be made available within one year,
with the next release of data providing more accurate elevation
information for Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean.
Until now, elevation data for Africa were freely and publicly available
only at 90-meter resolution. The datasets being released today, and
during the course of the next year—which are based on data collected by
sensors designed by an international partnership and carried on the U.S.
Space Shuttle—resolve to 30-meters and will be used worldwide to improve
environmental monitoring, climate change research including sea-level
rise impact assessments, and local decision support. These datasets are
being made available via a user-friendly interface on USGS’s Earth
Explorer website ( http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ ). With a commitment
from the Secure World Foundation, and in collaboration with the
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites, USGS, NOAA, and NASA plan to
offer online training and regional workshops to further enable users to
take advantage of these data resources.
John L. Crowe
Land Remote Sensing Program
US Geological Survey
517 National Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192
Ph. : (703) 648-5596
Fax : (703) 648-5939
E-mail : jcrowe at usgs.gov
Jean Parcher
Program Manager
DOI International Technical Assistance Program
1849 C Street, NW, MS 3530 Rm # 3551
Washington DC 20240
202 513-0840
202 713-6815 (NEW CELL)
jean_parcher at ios.doi.gov
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