[OSGeo Africa] Vacancy at CapeNature: GIS Scientist

Andrew Turner aaturner at capenature.co.za
Mon Nov 23 22:34:34 PST 2015

Dear all,

Please see the attached advert for a GIS Scientist based in Jonkershoek,
Stellenbosch. Please feel free to distribute this post to any suitably
qualified and experienced GIS folk out there that you may know of.

Dr Andrew Turner
Knowledge Manager
Scientific Services
CapeNature (Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
P Bag X 5014 Stellenbosch 7599
E-mail: aaturner at capenature.co.za
Website: www.capenature.co.za
Tel:    021-866 8001
Fax:   021-866 1523
Cell:   082-453 3708
Fax to E-Mail: 086 529 4895

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