[OSGeo Africa] Unable to read or open previously saved QGIS projects

Marshall Mdoka marshall.mdoka at monash.edu
Fri Sep 16 02:02:07 PDT 2016

Hi Simphiwe,

Yes it is something like that. Please advise.


On 15 September 2016 at 16:13, Simphiwe mdluli <razoboss at gmail.com> wrote:

> Does the problem looks something like this (handle Bad Layers)???
> I can help if this is what you're ask.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Marshall Mdoka <marshall.mdoka at monash.edu
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Quick question - What should one do if there are unable to reopen their
>> saved Quantum GIS project or the QGIS fails to read the saved project. A
>> number of my students always encounter errors or the machine crashes.
>> Please advise.
>> --
>> *Dr Marshall L. Mdoka*
>> Lecturer and Head of Section
>> Geography & Environmental Science
>> *Email: *marshall.mdoka at monash.edu <name.surname at monash.edu>
>> *Office: *+27 11 950 4105
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*Dr Marshall L. Mdoka*
Lecturer and Head of Section
Geography & Environmental Science

*Email: *marshall.mdoka at monash.edu <name.surname at monash.edu>
*Office: *+27 11 950 4105

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