[OSGeo Africa] : Customizing the Q-Field Icon

Mnqweno Mnyengeza mnqwenom at statssa.gov.za
Sun May 21 08:40:28 PDT 2017

Dear All

I have recently modified QFIELD into a fit for purpose mobile mapping
solution for rural address assignment initiative. Now I need to
customize the QFIELD icon to reflect our organizational identity (Stats
SA) and to host the environment internally and locally for information
confidentiality and security purposes. I had successfully downloaded the
code on github but Android Studio cannot compile that code. It is giving
some error messages referring to the code itself. I also tried to import
the code as an eclipse project and that has failed too.

How can I get this  right? 


Kindest regards
Mnqweno Mnyengeza
Geography: Statistics South Africa
ISIbalo House, 1 Koch street, Salvokop
Pretoria, South Africa, 0001
T +27 (12) 310 8693| M +27 (82) 904 8267 
mnqwenom at statssa.gov.za 

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