[OSGeo Africa] National Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data

Madodomzi Mafanya madodomzi at cadmapping.co.za
Tue Aug 7 05:17:07 PDT 2018

Hi List,

I once asked this question in a GISSA meeting sometime in 2015. With
regards to 'strictly' rasterized digital geospatial data (e.g. DTMs and
Orthomosaics), do we have a South African national positional accuracy
standard? I think the rapid recent technological advancements in UAV and
GNSS/RTK technology necessitates this question.

If we do have a standard, where do I find it?

ASPRS has something of this nature but are we looking into adopting some of
this and making it mandatory for the sake of our profession?


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